Friday, 6 September 2013

The perfect run & other stories

I just ran the perfect run. I thought it would take me WEEKS to get back to a 30 minute 5km. I wasn't even feeling this run today. I have no idea what got into me but whatever it is I want to keep it! 

I can't believe I went below a 6min average km. I must have really gone for it! I was actually groaning out loud by the end. And praying for the last 3 minutes to go quickly. I was so surprised because my shin didn't give me any bother at all (it's hurting now though). I ran up to the next village and round the block, did another half block before coming back but I estimated it short so had to do 30 seconds on the trail too. I was tempted to follow my running idol and lay down on the floor afterwards but I wasn't quite brave enough; I limped home instead. 

I think this is what is called negative splits ;) FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. 

Week 3 - 30 minutes 
1/4 Monday: 4.66km, 6:27min/km av pace
2/4 Wednesday: 4.67km, 6:26min/km av pace
3/4 Friday: 5.09km, 5:54min/km av pace

I can't wait to see how tomorrow's run is going to go, as right now my legs do not want to move one single bit :)

In other news:

Grandad's doing much better after overloading on oxygen at the hospital, which has made him look and feel a million times better. The docs wanted to keep an eye on him today though and the hospital doesn't discharge at the weekend, which means he will be there until Monday at least. I was a bit concerned about nana being at home by herself (she has early onset dementia) but she says she is absolutely fine and says the best thing is wrapping herself in bedcovers and not having grandad steal them ;) 

I am clearly the favourite grandchild as I turn up to the hospital with cake ;) well my colleague and I demolished the coconut raspberry slices on the right but I took the lemon tarts along for nana and grandad and it made them very happy. Although my absolute favourite is lemon curd tarts so they were lucky to get their hands on them! The best thing about the cakes is that they are homemade from a stall from a farmers market that comes into town every month. My friend Luke & I try and get a lunch break together each month to go together, and I love our catch up as even though we don't see each other enough (and we are even in the same building every day) he is a very dear friend to me. 

I found a new favourite drink today. This elderflower and lime spring water is yum and only 7 calories. I love elderflower drinks lately, I need to get my hands on some for my friend's dinner party tomorrow as I'm going to drive instead of drink. 

I bought this jacket today with my birthday vouchers. I have had my eye on it for so long, I have no idea why I didn't buy it before as I love it. My friend Laura has it but I'm sure she won't mind as we along with DC's sister always seem to get our hands on the same Topshop clothes, even with all of the million items that are available. We must be both a) telepathic and b) obviously have excellent taste. 

I was going to buy it in store but the queue was too long so I bought it online, using a 10% off code, free delivery, and my gift cards which means this £58 jacket cost me £7. This made my day. Although I do have to wait for it to be delivered, as I've promised myself I will stop paying £7.50 for next day delivery. 

Today was apparently the end of summer (the rain proved it) and Autumn is my favourite time of year, mainly because of the weather (I think Autumn is romantic and DC laughs in my face) but mostly because of creating a new Autumn Topshop wardrobe of course!

I tried this on too and it looks great in the photo but less flattering in real life. I couldn't justify paying £48 (!!) for it so it went back on the rail. 

DC's jeans were a bit tight today when they came out of the wash so he did a lunge in them and this is what happened. I sooooo wish I was there to see this but I was running, he is really upset because they're his favourite jeans and jeans are sooo expensive these days, but the thought of lunge + rip made me laugh for ages. 

He has gone out with work tonight and I think I drew the short straw because his friend's gf has picked them all up to take them into town, but I am doing the pick up run.... At 1am. I've done this quite a few times but the last 2 times I picked DC up from town he really messed me around so I've told him in no uncertain terms that if he doesn't turn up where he says he will at 1am then we will fall out forever and ever. 

So I'm just about to cook some marinated chicken and roasted veg, then I'm going to put something on from Lovefilm and settle down with my favourite popcorn. A nice quiet night all to myself to end a busy week... Perfect. 

Dans x

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