Yesterday I had a fight with the wind, and the wind won. I was getting into my car when a gust of wind blew the door shut, hitting me on the right side of my head and knocking me sideways, hitting my left temple really hard on the car frame. It REALLY hurt and I had to hold back from crying because my neighbour was out and I was hoping he hadn't seen. It really dazed me for about an hour and I had to go back inside and sit down for an hour before I went out.
I probably shouldn't have both driven and had any alcohol because it was throbbing all night and kind of threw me completely off for a good few hours. My head is bruised and still hurting today and I'm not quite feeling right, so I need to keep an eye on it. I didn't want to tell DC as he's away and I didn't want to worry him but I texted him this morning and he rang me straight away to check I was ok.
Yesterday's run was a really nice slow one on the trail and I enjoyed it.
I probably should have stopped to take a photo but I didn't want it to affect my time so this blurry one will have to do.
The shin that was niggling me yesterday, I felt it go about half way through the run and it has been bothering me ever since. I think I've definitely overdone it and I know today should be a rest day but I really think I might fancy a run later so we will see.
Week 2 - 25 minutes
1/4 Tuesday: 3.79km, 6:36min/km av pace
2/4 Wednesday: 3.95km, 6:20min/km av pace
3/4 Friday: 4.08km, 6:08min/km av pace
4/4 Saturday: 3.89km, 6:25min/km av pace
I'm glad I completed my goal this week. Yesterday's time looks worse than it actually was, because there was some congestion on the trail where I was overtaken by two bicycles but then we all had to stop for a dog walker coming the opposite way, so I was walking for at least 20 seconds and I think it had an effect on my time.
I love it when my easy runs end up being faster than the runs where I try really hard. 4/4 was faster than 1/4 and this definitely shows that I'm improving! Sometimes I run a lot faster than I think I do and it's always a good surprise at the end when I look at the numbers.
This week's goal from now until the end of Saturday is 4x 30 min runs. I'm not sure how well they'll go but hopefully if I do a couple of easy runs my leg will calm down.
Today I definitely needed something nice to eat as I was feeling sorry for myself, and I knew that J would probably really want to get out of the house so I picked her up and we went for lunch.
I had a vegetarian butternut squash and walnut tart which was AMAZING and so tasty (I'm not big on beef / lamb / turkey) and J had a lamb Sunday roast. The veg left a lot to be desired but it definitely did the job.
It was a bit naughty ordering dessert after lunch but I couldn't resist this egg custard tart.
This afternoon whilst I'm waiting for DC to come home will consist of catching up on blogs and watching girly TV. I'm already in my jamas and I'm not planning on getting out of them until tomorrow morning!
Here's a photo of the new grey jeans I bought yesterday.
They're sooo comfy and even with all the lounging around I did at cocktail night last night they havent shown any trace of bagging around the knees so they're definitely money well spent.
Dans x
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