But because I'm not car sharing this week I took the opportunity to drive straight to the swimming baths after work yesterday and did a really good 30 lengths in the pool. I've found that running has massively improved my strength when swimming, no more aching arms on length 10! ...and then I came home and slobbed. Well deserved.
This morning I had a fight with my house alarm. I flicked the bedroom light on which managed to trip the fuse, and I knew that if I flicked the fuse back then the house alarm would go off and I couldn't fully remember the code. But going out to my car to work I realised that the alarm was actually going off quietly so instead of leaving it all day leading to world war 3 with my neighbours I manned up and went back inside to tackle it.
This happened:
Can't reach fuse box
Dump handbag on floor
Grab garden chair
Flick fuse back
Cover ears from deafening sound while running to alarm
Alarm code attempt 1 failed
Alam code attempt 2 failed
Started to sweat
Alarm code finally correct on attempt #3
Dump garden chair in landing and run out to car
Reassure neighbour that everything was fine and the alarm going off and front door being open was only me and not a burglar and no reason to call the police
Finally get off to work
Half way to work paranoid wondering if I actually left the back door open
Hatched plan to drive home fast after work to beat DC home so if the back door was left open he would never ever find out and tell me off
I also broke the most precious and loved appliance in our house
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