Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Ending with a bang

Yesterday was another manic day at work. I think it's easy for you to analyse my working hours - no day time blog = no lunch break. I gave a training session to my team and bosses about our new email platform that I think went down well. Someone came into the session with a list of questions and when I asked her for them at the end, she told me I had already covered them so that was a good sign. Even if it was rubbish, I'm sure everyone had forgotten by the time I served up the sandwich buffet that I had ordered in. 

All day I was looking forward to my friend's birthday meal. It was quite a drive but definitely worth it as she's a great friend even though we don't get to see each other much these days, plus it was a surprise and she had no idea I was going to be there. Obviously I am the best surprise to receive on your birthday. I didn't get a chance to take photos so here's a photo of us from 2008. 

Wow so fresh faced! I can't believe this was 5 years ago. 

We had an amazing meal; the food was delicious. I had a set menu, starter was Thai and crab fish cakes and I had lamb shoulder with couscous and lots of veg for a main course. Everyone loved their meals and I would have gone for the Belgian chocolate and peanut butter cheesecake with salted caramel sauce, as this is something I usually can't resist for obvious reasons, but I was completely full. 

We had to get going because our friend had to catch a train home, so we paid up and went to leave but realised we couldn't because a car in the next car park had caught fire, and to leave the restaurant car park you'd have to drive by it. Our friend went in to get a fire extinguisher - but because the staff didn't know where it was (!!!) by the time they found it the back tyre had blown and the fire was getting a bit out of control. 5 minutes later it was 5ft high and the windows blew so we went inside and waited for the fire brigade. There was no one around so luckily it was safe but if the car had blown it would have killed my poor Trevor who was parked nearby.

So the night literally ended with a bang but it was so nice to see my old friends and it was as if we had all never been apart. It's hard to fit the time in sometimes but there's nothing better than a catch up with friends. 

Dans x

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