After my
disastrous weigh in last week, I knew I had to make a change. So I started a one man
no thank you challenge, this week concentrating on sugar. I knew that I put on last week because of cake. Mmm cake. I just can't resist the cake!
So from Friday I gave 200% effort into cutting out additional sugar and sweeteners, and these were my hotspot successes:
Sweeteners -
I always take one sweetener in my tea and coffee, and from Friday I went cold turkey - now I don't like the taste of tea that much, but I'm trying to get used to it!
Cake Bake -
At work there was a cake bake to raise money for Loros. My colleague A and I went down to the canteen to have a look what was on offer, but we didn't buy one slice. Not one at all. And you can see how tempting it was...!
Mmm, cake! |
Dessert -
Why is it that family gathering always include cake?! We cooked dinner for DC's mum on Friday night, and DC bought a huge chocolate cheesecake from Tesco, to serve up with squirty cream. And I didn't have one piece.
Cake -
Another family gathering on Saturday - all of the family gathers around my Grandparents' house every other Saturday, so this Saturday was 'Nana's Day' and my aunties had brought around my favourite - cherry bakewell tarts, and Batternberg cake. Do you know how hard it was to resist!
Biscuits -
Because DC works
out so much in the week, he can eat whatever he likes on the weekend. We did our food shop late on Saturday afternoon and DC bought a double pack of bourbon biscuits, which he continued to devour with his tea all throughout the afternoon. I had to make do with an apple dipped in cashew butter... mmm!
Left over cheesecake - each time I opened the fridge on Sunday, I was welcomed with the sight and smell of the leftover chocolate cheesecake. I was finding it harder and harder to resist. I made some muffins from the blueberry muffins recipe to have as my go-to treat, but I used tinned apricots as well and they didn't work, they were soggy and uncooked in the middle, so I settled for some granola and yoghurt.
Sundays - Sundays are always so hard when it comes to healthy eating. We were busy cleaning the house and tidying the garden in the morning, but in the afternoon when we were chilling out it was so hard to resist the goodies in the house.
I was really good on Monday and there was not much put in front of me that I had to resist! DC and I always make sure we get back into a healthy eating routine when the week starts again, so we were extra good and I didn't go out on my lunch hour at work so didn't have any temptations.
Tuesday, I buckled. But at least I can admit it! I had a funny turn in Marks & Spencers on my lunch hour - I went really hot and sweating (TMI sorry!) and my legs turned to jelly. This used to happen to me ALL of the time back when I had an awful diet - I assume it's usually a sugar dip but I put it down on Tuesday to being really stressed out, my Mum was in the hospital and I had spent Monday night rushing around grabbing clothes and taxi-ing it to and from Mum's house / the hospital. I had 10 points of chocolate to make myself feel better, but avoided bad food for the rest of the day.
Wednesday & Thursday
I was really good on Wednesday. My colleague Ads and I went into town on our lunch break, there is a German market that takes place for a week every month and we had a good look at all of the yummy cupcakes, meringues, waffles and pastries, but only looked and didn't touch! Thursday was obviously a good day as it was weigh in day!
I'm so pleased with myself for sticking to this - mostly - throughout the week! It was SO hard at times, especially at the weekend when everyone else was tucking into desserts and cakes and biscuits, but I feel so much better for it in the long run.
I'm definitely going to continue this for another week and hopefully it will help keep my weight down!
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