Monday, 1 April 2013

Bank Holiday

Finally - five days off work! Bliss.

On Friday DC and I ventured out for lunch and didn't really do much else apart from slob in front of the TV catching up on Boardwalk Empire and relishing in the short working week. Well DC is off school on half term so he had already had a non existent working week!

On Friday night, DC's mum dropped round his family dog Jack for us to look after whilst they were away in London watching a show.

On Saturday we had DC's brother and sister over for breakfast - we were going to go out to eat but figured it would be cheaper (and warmer) to cook at home. But when DC was taking Jack for a walk round to the Co-op to buy some breakfast bits, whilst they were walking by a dog suddenly attacked Jack, pulling out a clump of his fur and pulling over the elderly lady who was holding onto the lead. Jack didn't retaliate and the other dog ran up the road whilst DC picked up the lady from the pavement. Her son (the dog owner) was in the paper shop and he definitely shouldn't have left a frail lady holding onto a dog that could obviously be so suddenly vicious.

DC said he was quite shocked by what had happened so he didn't take any numbers or anything (or yell at them as I would have) but another lady who had seen everything came over and told the couple that they needed to put a muzzle on their dog if this was how they it was going to behave in public.

Poor Jack! The dog didn't get to his flesh and Jack seemed quite unfazed but I was so angry when DC called me on the walk home to tell me what had happened. Imagine if it was a child???

After breakfast DC and I did the usual grandparents visit a bit earlier than usual before driving to Lincoln to stay with DC's brother & his girlfriend for the evening.

It was better than great. We walked for a few drinks in the Bailgate before ordering an Indian takeaway which we demolished as soon as we got in. It was divine - much nicer than the one we usually order from at home.

We had a few glasses of wine but it wasn't too much of a late night as we were all tired from eating too much food. In the morning we took the dogs for a walk around and finally the sun was out and it looked like Spring was in the air.


We came home yesterday mid-afternoon and were disappointed that the weather wasn't as nice here as it was in Lincoln!
I went for a meal with my friend last night, and have spent so far today sorting through some old paperwork from boxes that we shoved into our spare bedroom wardrobe when we moved in - eight months later we still haven't sorted through them! Hopefully we should be able to afford some carpets soon for the bedrooms so when that times comes the fitted wardrobes will be ripped out and replaced with freestanding ones - we are getting closer to having our house finished!
I also have tomorrow booked off work so I don't go back until Wednesday - I still feel as though I need a complete rest day before I go back, so hopefully that day will be tomorrow.

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