Sunday, 17 March 2013

Week 5 training roundup...

Week 5
Activities: 5
Distance covered: 21.7 km
Average pace: 7:51 min/km
Calories burned: 1,239
Time spent 2:50:15

I managed to beat all of my numbers from last week!
Sunday: 3.2km (extra run)
Monday: 4.50km training plan run - 4.0km moderate run with 5 min walking warmup
Tuesday: rest day
Wednesday: 5.00 km training plan run - 26 min interval run 60 sec moderate run with 60 sec walking x13
Thursday: rest day
Friday: 4.40km (extra run)
Saturday: 4.49km training plan run - 4km moderate run with 5 min walking walkup
What a week! I have really struggled this week. Tuesday was the first day that I consciously decided not to run - apart from never running on Thursdays, whenever I've not run before it has been because I've got something planned for the evening. But after a tough night running in awful weather on Monday, I just knew I had to give myself a day off.
Then came Wednesday - my sister and I were convinced all week that we had a 50 minute walk/jog and it wasnt until I was almost out of the door that I looked at my Runkeeper and saw that it was actually a 26 minute interval run! Which I wasn't exactly geared up for. DC came with me and I was pleased with my performance once it was all over, but I came to the conclusion that interval training and I were just not going to be friends any time soon.
After a rest day on Thursday, Friday and Saturday picked up a bit and I started to feel a bit more positive about being back out on the pavement, which I'm really pleased about because after such a tough week I was worried that I was starting to have negative thoughts about my new exercise routine. I talked through my thoughts with DC and we came to the conclusion that I'm going to have these kind of weeks. I thought that through and after every run I would feel great, but obviously that's not the case. Running is not going to solve all of my problems!
I've been running in some AWFUL weather towards the end of the week and I don't think that has helped. I'm so pleased that my sister and I bought ourselves a water-resistant running jacket last weekend - even though it's not completely waterproof it just keep the majority of me dry through my run. I also stole one of DC's old caps that I found in the middle of the week, which has been brilliant for keeping the rain off of my face.
I've also found a new route so instead of running around my village, I spend five minutes jogging to the next village and going around there instead. I think the change of scenary has really helped my motivation towards the end of the week so I'm going to try and branch out a bit more.
The only thing that's worrying me physically at the moment is that I developed a shin splint at the end of last year when I brought the wrong trainers to go to the gym in, and with all of the running I've been doing it seems to have come back, even though I've got some appropriate trainers now. It doesn't really hurt when I'm out on my run but throughout the day it aches and feels a bit burning. I think it's because I've started quite heavily on the running so I need to keep an eye on it and slow things down if it gets too much.
Onwards and upwards for another week!

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