Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Less play, more work...

...I think this may be my life for a while! I started working at my place of work (a big corporate plc) in November 2009 after getting a job on reception. I liked it (it got me out of waitressing) but after a while it wasn't challenging enough and I started to get a bit fed up. Luckily I was approached by the PA to our CEO at the time about a PA job opportunity that had come up, and I jumped at the chance.

Soon after in May 2009 I was promoted to PA and had my own little amazing office upstairs, supporting the Group Company Secretary, Business Development Director, and a MD of one of our operating businesses within the Group.

I LOVED it, but it was exhausting! My line manager, the PA, was notorious for being a little harsh and controlling (that's putting it mildly) but I was grateful for the job and continued to pull my weight.

Our company was taken over in December 2010 and seems as there was already a CEO in our takeover company, my line manager was put at risk of redundancy and therefore me as well. it was a terrifying time but at the same time it helped to be in there working at Group level as it was a lot easier to find out what was going on. My Company Secretary boss left the company as did my BDD and I fought for my role against the idea that my MD's requirements were not enough to fill a whole role.

However in the end I didn't lose my job and I became soleley PA to the MD. Let's call him M. I moved upstairs to where M and his business central functions were based, and I can promise you I have never been happier. We clicked, we had a great working relationship, he let me have full control over and access to everything - diary, appointments, emails, phones - it's safe to say I did everything for him however that way of working worked fine with me. It's easier when you have full access in a PA role. Your boss's week and evenings is packed full of appointments and outings so when he's not available, who is going to sort things?

And so I trotted along happy for two years, supporting M and his management team.

Until suddenly on Monday, M left (I can't go into why). That's it, gone. And then there was the small problem of the fact that I didn't find out until 9.30pm on Thursday evening when M rang me because he found out no one had told me and I was going to roll up to work on Friday morning none the wiser.

This I felt was a smack in the teeth and has really made me reevaluate my thoughts and feelings about my role. I am still trying to get my head around it. I thought I was a valued colleague, I was right up there with M, at the top of the business, his right hand man, and yet no one thought to tell me.

Putting this aside with a good few wines on Friday evening (I thought I'd be up for the karaoke but I wasn't quite), I came into work on Monday knowing that I'd be meeting my new boss (yes they move fast). I was on edge all weekend and nervous all morning - what is he like? Will I lose my job if he doesn't want to be based here? But the question most in the mind was, how will he want to work? Will he run his own diary? Make his own appointments? Could I shove things into his diary without telling him or would I have to ask his permission? Will I even be needed?

I know it's all so trivial but all of these little things add up to keep the business running. So anyway after some sleepless nights over the weekend, I met my new boss yesterday and he is lovely. Really great. It is going to take a lot of time and effort to get things established between us but I'm really hoping that we can get a good way of working sorted and that he won't decide he doesn't like me and therefore get rid of me (have seen this happen).

I know I have the experience and strength in me to do a good job, and I have more than proved myself over the past couple of years. But I really love my job and I really want it to work.

Only time will tell!


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