Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Let's get back to business

I took 2 weeks off from blogging. And two weeks off from everything else too really. A few personal things have happened I haven't coped with very well so I gave myself two weeks to wallow and feel sorry for myself, because let's face it sometimes it's hard to be happy with the world on the outside when you're not particularly feeling great on the inside. But I did realise that when these things happen, the following are essential:

1) take time off. Feel sorry for yourself. Tell people you are not happy and LET THEM HELP YOU.  

2) surround yourself with family and friends. I have learnt who my friends aren't but I've definitely also realised that if you surround yourself with the people who you care about in life and who truly care for you then you will feel miles better. 

3) eat good food. I.e. Chocolate. It helps, I guarantee it. Even if the scales go up, it feels good at the time. Chocolate, cake and pasta have been my best friends. 

4) don't overdo it. I haven't exercised because I knew that I needed the break. Taking a break from exercise makes you feel better about getting out there and starting again because you know you can take it on. A bad run wouldn't have helped me emotionally but now that I'm feeling positive again I know that tomorrow when I get out on the road it'll be for all of the right reasons. 

5) Topshop. Yes ok I'm fickle. But new clothes make me feel good and when you feel good, you can take on the world. I'm not sure whether my bank manager will agree with me but who said we had to be friends?

But it's not all been bad while I've been away. Here's a little recap in pictures:

There were so many adorable kids at our door for trick or treat. But then we decided to shut up shop early and close the curtains not only to keep the warmth in but so we could raid the sweet bowl too. 

Autumn. My favourite time of year. Hair in buns, jumpers, scarves and layers. And I love my new glasses too. 

New clothes. My new favourite dress from Topshop, which I can rely on through the colder months. Dress up, dress down, tights on, tights off. Versatile, stylish and feel good. 

Nanas. My nana is actually the best. I am going to print this photo and frame it to treasure forever. This night, my nana shouted DC over and asked "when are you going to make an honest woman of my granddaughter?" But then added..... "To be honest I think she just wants the ring." Genius (not denying what she says is true).

I love it when friends add forgotten photos onto Facebook. This is my deaf friend Andie who I caught up with at a party a few months ago. I remember feeling good this night and being happy to be surrounded by my old friends, who I still have so much in common with. 

And last but not all happy birthday Ryan Gosling you fine specimen of a man. No you don't fit in with my recap post but who is arguing?????

Dans x

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