Thursday, 24 October 2013

"Well you'll just have to stop exercising"

I think you can tell by the title that today has not been an excellent day. I don't think any of us would be too happy if we were told this by anyone, and even more incensed to be told it by an OPTICIAN. 

Yes, me and Boots Opticians are not the best of friends right now. 

Granted, it's my fault that I haven't bought a pair of glasses for 7 years. And that for the past three years since I haven't been able to see properly through my glasses due to prescription and scratches, I have been heavily relying on my contact lenses. I perhaps shouldn't have told her that I wear them for 15 hours a day. But it is NOT my fault that I have rubbish eyes (-6.5), I blame this on my parents. 

Basically I went to the opticians to buy new glasses so that I could start wearing them daily as I knew my eyes needed a rest. The optician reiterated this x10000 times. By going to Boots, you can get half price glasses by signing up to their consult lense scheme, which is a great way to save £159 on your specs. 

10 minutes into my consultation I was told that I have a growth of white cells on my pupils caused by not enough oxygen getting to my eyes, and that if I didn't stop using contact lenses IMMEDIATELY then my eyes would get worse and they would refer me to the hospital fo treatment. I started to panic by this point. The optician said I am not allowed to use contact lenses any more and need to wear my glasses until a follow up appointment on 2 Nov. She didn't really listen to the fact that I can't see through my glasses any more. 

I told her that I do need some contact lenses for my running and swimming. This is where she chirped up:

"Well you will just have to stop exercising for a while"

Hmm, okay. 

So I am banned from wearing contact lenses (I am wearing some right now because the chance of me driving in the rain and dark in specs I can't see through = 0%) until my next appointment and if my eyes haven't improved then I will be banned from joining the contact lense scheme and therefore will have to pay full price for my glasses. I can assure you they had better give me some. 

The GOOD news is that I chose my new Rayban glasses and I love them. I can't wait to get them and wear them all of the time. But I may get to my next appointment have to pay the other £159 for them and promise to never wear contacts ever ever again (with my fingers crossed behind my back as I have a stash of fortnightlys at home).

Disclaimer: I do take the health of my eyes very seriously, I've just had a bad day. 

Dans x

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