Thursday, 29 August 2013

The best run and a pause in eating well

Isn't it funny how the best runs are always the ones you don't look forward to? I was so uninspired yesterday afternoon that my mentality had shifted and the last thing I wanted to do was run. As soon as I stepped through the door at home, this conversation happened:

Me: "I really don't want to run. How was your day?"
DC: "good thanks I-"
Me: "actually can you hold that thought because I need to run and if I sit down it just won't happen"

So off I went on run 2/4 before I had a chance to change my mind. And I actually did the best run ever. Not as good or fast as I was pre-running break, but it made me feel good all the same. 

Week 2 - 25 minutes 
1/4 Tuesday: 3.79km, 6:36min/km av pace
2/4 Wednesday: 3.95km, 6:20min/km av pace

There's some improvement right there! I have a day off running today but I'll see how the rest of the week goes. Needless to say I came in from the run feeling great and glad that I went. It's always the way. 

DC made sausage pasta and we chilled for the rest of the night watching Boardwalk Empire #3 which has just arrived from Lovefilm. We are addicted. 

BTW I just took a temporary pause from my healthy eating plan for 4 hours. I was too busy at work to eat breakfast so I made up for it with a crunchie. It was actually amazing. 

Dans x

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