Sunday, 19 May 2013

How to get back into running when you've been a lazy slob for 10 days

OK well I suppose this title is not completely true. It's not that I've been a COMPLETE lazy slob for 10 days, just a little one. I had such a stinking cold starting on Bank Holiday Monday that would just not budge, and I'm still coughing and sneezing almost two weeks later. This lead to a break in training, and from the moment I started feeling a tiny bit better I have been trying to get back into running but it's just not been on my side.

I've never given up a run before but on Thursday I had a scheduled 5km and had to give up after 2.7km because there was just no chance I could carry on. I know every run is usually a challenge for me, but I always push through and come out feeling proud of myself at the end. Well on Thursday I would have had time to feel disappointed with myself if I wasn't too busy having a post-run 20 minute coughing fit, but after I had calmed down I did feel a bit bummed out, especially after managing 4km on Wednesday and coming home feeling completely GREAT that I had overcome the obstacle. So I thought I had made some progress only to realise on Thursday that not only was the obstacle still there but it felt bigger than ever.

I read on my favourite blog The Hungry Runner Girl that after 7-10 days of not training, your fitness levels do decrease quite dramatically and it takes a while to get back into it. I suppose that along with my deflated confidence and motivation has definitely made me feel as though I'm starting all over again from scratch.

This week I've only managed just over 9km and that's really disappointing as my average is at least 20km a week. I suppose I need to be positive and realise that if I keep going then I'm sure I'm going to start to love running again and start racking up those miles. Also it was probably my body's way of telling me I needed a break, as I was pretty full on with my training before and going full throttle was perhaps not doing me any good. (Plus the mega amount of chocolate bars I've been eating has definitely not been doing me any good, but we'll sssh about those.)

My training week starts afresh on Sundays so it'll be a new start today and I'm determined to get out there and complete an easy 5km at an easy pace, to kick off a good week and to KEEP GOING because race day is only SIX WEEKS away and I want to do myself proud.


Dans x

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